Om Foreningen for hjertesyke barn

Information in English, Urdu and Arabic

The Norwegian Association for Children with Congenital Heart Disease

The Norwegian Association for Children with Congenital Heart Disease works to help all children with congenital heart disease in Norway have a good life. To do this we need to identify all the children in Norway who suffer from heart disease, not just our members.

Information in different languages to be downloaded:

/share/mime/48/pdf.png In english
(engelsk_foreningen-for-hjertesyke-barn.pdf, 33kB)

/share/mime/48/pdf.png In urdu
(urdu_-forening-for-hjertesyke-barn.pdf, 124kB)

/share/mime/48/pdf.png In arabic
(arabisk_foreningen-for-hjertesyke-barn.pdf, 138kB)

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Foreningen for hjertesyke barn

Telefon: 23 05 80 00

Besøk: Schweigaards gate 12, 0185 Oslo
Post: PB 222 Sentrum, 0103 Oslo 870 430 922

Kontonummer: 3000 19 32000



Foreningen for hjertesyke barn
Telefon: 23 05 80 00

Besøk: Schweigaards gate 12, 0185 Oslo
Post: PB 222 Sentrum, 0103 Oslo 870 430 922

Kontonummer: 3000 19 32000

Innsamlingsprosent 2022

Illustrasjon: Innsamlingsprosent 2020
Utviklet av Imaker as